Photomart’s dedication to Innovation and Environmental Sustainability

At Photomart, we have been at the forefront of innovation within the photography industry since our establishment in 1992. Our unwavering commitment to providing cutting-edge products and services goes hand in hand with our strong focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility.

We are thrilled to introduce our innovative recycling scheme, designed to reduce waste and promote a circular economy. Through this program, we take back used dye-sublimation ribbons from our customers and, in return, provide them with £50 worth of credit. This initiative not only encourages responsible disposal of ribbons but also rewards our customers for their dedication to sustainability and helping the environment.

We are proud to share the remarkable success of our recycling scheme since its launch in November 2022. In just the past week, we have received over 100 ribbons from our customers, marking a significant milestone of over 10,000 ribbons returned to us. As a result, we have given back an impressive £50,000 worth of credit to our loyal and dedicated customers.

This achievement showcases the effectiveness of our recycling scheme and the strong willingness of our customers to actively participate in sustainable practices. This is why we have decided to further improve our impact.

We are excited to announce our partnership with Tree Nation - planting trees for a Greener Future In our continued efforts to contribute to environmental sustainability. As part of this collaboration, we commit to planting 100 trees each month.     
By visiting our Tree Nation page you can keep track of our commitment and our progress:

These trees will sequester 50 tonnes of CO2 annually, helping to offset our environmental impact and combat climate change.

For every ribbon we receive back through our recycling scheme, we will plant an additional tree. By doing so, we aim to promote reforestation and ecological restoration, ensuring that every customer's choice to participate in recycling contributes to positive environmental action.

We recognise the significance of reducing our carbon print, which is why we have taken steps to make our website carbon neutral. To further our commitment to sustainability, we are planting trees to offset the carbon emissions associated with our online presence. This initiative allows us to operate responsibly in the digital realm while actively contributing to the restoration of our natural environment.

At Photomart, we remain dedicated to driving innovation within the photography industry while placing a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability. Our successful recycling scheme, Tree Nation partnership, and carbon-neutral website exemplify our commitment to building a greener future.

We encourage our customers to embrace responsible waste management practices and actively participate in recycling and waste reduction programs. Together, we can make a significant impact on our planet while capturing and preserving precious memories.